SHINE paper chosen as a "Best of 2021" by American Journal of Health Promotion

A SHINE research paper – Character Strengths Involving an Orientation to Promote Good Can Help Your Health and Well-Being. Evidence from Two Longitudinal Studies – was chosen as a 2021 “Paper of the Year” by the American Journal of Health Promotion.  Authors Dorota Węziak-Białowolska, Piotr Białowolski, Tyler J. VanderWeele and Eileen McNeely examined the impact of an orientation to promote good—one aspect of strengths of character, understood as having consistent thoughts and taking actions that contribute to the good of oneself and others—on flourishing outcomes.

According to Paul Terry, Editor in Chief, American Journal of Health Promotion, the award aims to “honor some of the best scientists in the health promotion discipline and, in particular, to recognize those who bring outstanding humanity to their field of inquiry and bigheartedness to their writing.  Reviewing the best studies reported on these pages gives us an opportunity to revisit unique research questions leading scholars in our field are pursuing and to consider how the results of their research can inform progress in our field.”

“This is our chance to feature the best of the best”
-Editor in Chief Paul Terry

Speaking about the SHINE paper, Terry says “one of my Editor in Chief Award winning papers this year offers a brilliant review of how the continuum between personal flourishing and collective well-being should not only be considered seamless, but mutually reinforcing. Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska and colleagues wondered whether people taking actions that contribute to the good of others would have mental health and other well-being benefits. They found that this character orientation not only fostered happiness and life satisfaction, promoting good was also associated with less stress and loneliness at work and in the community. Weziak-Bialowolska’s findings were all the more interesting given she and colleagues examined this do-gooder tendency in two culturally different populations and found that the benefits of social connectedness are not confounded by culture.”

You can learn more about the award criteria and view the other American Journal of Health Promotion 2021 “Paper of the Year” winners here.