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The well-being potential of every one of us depends on the environment in which we live and systems in which we operate. And the success of every organization depends on creating opportunities for individuals to thrive and fulfill their potential.
At SHINE, our scientists conduct research with the aim of shining a light on the dynamic connections that exist between individuals, organizations, workplaces and communities and their impact on our well-being. Because well-being in one setting influences well-being in all settings.
At SHINE, we collaborate with a network of scientists and organizations to map a universal language and understanding of complete well-being including the drivers of well-being, the impact of work systems and new work designs on well-being, the conditions for resiliency and for health and social inequities. SHINE research aims to contribute a broader understanding about how business and policy can augment the quality of life for all and the future sustainability of all stakeholders – employees, supply chain workers, consumers, investors, communities, and the environment.
News & Insight
Read the latest articles about our work and impact in workplace well-being.
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SHINE Summit 2025
Reimagining Sustainability & Societal Well-being
Well-being Through Work
Sector-Specific Research
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SHINE Spotlight:
Factory Workers on Work and Well-being
Employees at an apparel factory in Mexico share about their experience with the SHINE
Well-being Survey and the social impacts of SHINE’s research within their workplace.